Music Video by Tigers & Monkeys

Music video "Vampire in a Dirty City" by indie rock band Tigers & Monkeys takes you on a wild ride. It follows a babysitter and two kids flipping through channels featuring a quirky variety of colorful content including a Bollywood film shoot, a televangelist broadcast, and a vampire cooking show.

Vampire - Shonali Bhowmik

Cooking Host - Jason Lam

Babysitter - Antonia Santangelo

Featuring Nimesh Patel, Shonali Bhowmik, Eugene Mirman, Jennifer L. Sirisuk, Shokun Scott, Saya Scott and more.

Produced by Fourwind Films

Cinematographer & Colorist - Justin Joseph Hall

Editors - Justin Joseph Hall, Joe Mischo

Choreographer - Venita McLemore